Assembly is complete on the first seventeen models. The first set of knights and their horses are pinned, with the knights primed in black. I didn’t do the best job of lining up the pins and may need to fix a few saddles, but I did manage to come up with a method during the last few knights. Some sit slightly crooked in the saddle, but this can be fixed at some point. Hopefully, the last eight knights will be quicker for this process, but I ran out of paper clips. Assembly was pretty easy, but I did do a few conversions on the second batch of knights and used some heads from the cannon team to give them a little character. Veterans always have beards and no helmets, right?
The big win during the first period of work was fully completing the nine horses. The light bay horses turned out to look great and I’m really happy with those and the two dark bay horses. The two black horses look alright, as does the dark gray. The dapple gray and white horses leave a little to be desired and I’m not too pleased with the gradients or look of the white horse, but I’m not sure what can easily be done to make me happy with him. This was my first batch of horses and between painting their skin and then the blue and gold livery, each horse probably took between two and three hours. Painful, but after being based, I’m fairly pleased with them.
The heraldry for the captain was my biggest issue during the first ‘two’ weeks of work. I had initially wanted to give him a lot of checkered patterns, but after doing one side in blue and gold checkers, I liked the look, but felt it was very busy and painting the whole model in this pattern would have been a bit much. I ended up redoing some of the work on the one side and decided to make the ‘harder’ to paint side white, with a small pattern along the bottom and then split the shield between white and checkered. This matched up with the white horse that I’m still not pleased with. I used three colors of ‘silver’ and washed the armor with Badab Black, leaving only the gold highlights and his helm and sword to complete his painting. This will be first priority when I get back from New York City.